My Teaching Philosophy
My teaching philosophy lays in my desire to contribute back to the community in order to educate the world. In order for the world to grow, a teacher must teach his or her students while continuing to learn at the same time. My goal is to facilitate in my students the lifelong learning skills, the ability to feel comfortable using technology in any situation, and for my students to be intellectually challenged while still being in a caring and supportive environment. To provide this type of environment, a teacher needs to be facilitator in the classroom, encourage students to use different types of technology, and promote respect for all.
Teaching in the generation of changing and growing technology, it will be my job to keep learning and staying up to date on the technology that can be used in the classroom. By promoting the desire to keep learning, I hope to pass on this trait to my students so that they can become lifelong learners as well. Being a technologically literate teacher can also prepare students for a world that is growing constantly with different technology. Having access to these tools can provide countless resources for a student. As a teacher I will challenge my students intellectually to prepare them for the real world by promoting respect for all my students and for us to continue learning each day.
I also believe having parent involvement in the classroom is another key factor that is important to a successful school year. Not only are parents an integral part of education outside of the classroom they are also vital to supporting and encouraging the learning inside the classroom. I believe that having parent involvement in the classroom can be the connecting link to a successful learning experience throughout their child’s years of school.